57. Baronia taratana Baker

Sapindales > Anacardiaceae > Baronia
Publication: Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 20: 67. 1882.
Local names: Fognofognonanahary, Maimbovitsika, Malemilahy, Marôvola, Mongy, Tanatanampotsy, Taratanana, Tarantana, Tsarambito, Voretra.
IUCN Red List: LC ver 3.1
Year published: 2020

Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Anacardioideae.Tree 10-15 m high, branches covered at the top with a short brown pubescence. Leaves alternate, simple, tight. Inflorescence in panicles, terminal and lateral; flowers polygamous. Fruit oblong, subreniform.
This species differs from the African Rhus by its simple leaves and cartillaginous endocarp. Phylogenetically, it forms a polyphyletic group with Rhus (Pell & al., 2008).
Baronia is used as construction and firewoods, for dyeing (pink or red pigments); for the treatment of jaundice, leprosy, stomach ache and malaria (Ratsimamanga-Urverg & al., 1991).
Flowering time: October
Population: 90 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 10 metres
Fruiting time: from December
Upper elevation limit: 2,000 metres