4. Bemangidia lowryi L. Gaut.
Ericales > Sapotaceae > Bemangidia
Publication: Taxon 62(5) : 979–980. 2013.
IUCN Red List: CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) ver 3.1
Year published: 2019
GE Score
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ED Score

Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Chrysophylloideae; Tribe: Tseboneae.
Tree up to 15 m tall, and 0.55 m in diameter, bark dark brown, oaklike fissured. Leaves alternate, grouped at the end of the twigs, simple. Flowers two or three in axillary fascicles. Berry, obconic and asymmetric, single seeded. Seed ellipsoid, slightly laterally compressed;
endosperm absent.
Phylogenetically, this genus is related to the Malagasy monotypic genus Tsebona (Gautier & al., 2013). It differs from Tsebona by brochidodromous leaf venation (instead of eucamptodromous), five stamens and a single-seeded fruit. This species is probably used locally for timber.
Flowering time: February
Population: 1 subpopulation
Lower elevation limit: 280 metres
Fruiting time: April
Upper elevation limit: 440 metres