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46. Bismarckia nobilis Hildebrandt & H. Wendl.

Port Bismarckia nobilis

Arecales > Arecaceae > Bismarckia

Publication: Botanische Zeitung (Berlin) 39(6): 94–95. 1881.

Local names: Satrabe, Satrana, Satrapotsy.

IUCN Red List: LC ver 3.1

Year published: 2012

EDGE Score


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GE Score


Carte de ditribution Bismarckia nobilis

Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Coryphoideae; Tribe: Borasseae.

Robust, dioecious palm, isolated, without offshoots, 10 to 20 m high; cylindrical stipe. Leaves large, leathery, costapalmate, 20-30. Male and female spadices twice branched. Fruits drupaceous; seeds free or adhering to the endocarp.

Bismarckia differs from Medemia in fruit morphology. Phylogenetically, Satranala, Bismarckia and the fossil genus Hyphaeneocarpon form a robust clade related to the clade of Hyphaene and Medemia (Matsunaga, 2019). Medicinally, this species has several properties: antispasmodic, bronchodilator, vasodilator, cardiac depressant and hypotensive (Saqib & al., 2019). It has multiples uses: horticulture, manufacture of boards and flowerpot, wine making (Sora), roofing, basketry and animal feeding (Rakotoarinivo & al., 2020).

Flowering time:  April-June

Population: 10,000+ mature individuals

Lower elevation limit: 0 metres

Fruiting time: October-December


Upper elevation limit: 800 metres

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