32. Calodecaryia pauciflora Leroy
Sapindales > Meliaceae > Calodecaryia
Publication: Journal d'Agriculture Tropicale et de Botanique Appliquée 7: 379. 1960.
Local names: Andriandaitsy, Fekalahy, Manafo.
IUCN Red List: EN B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v) ver 3.1
Year published: 2023

Belongs to the ditypic genus: C. crassifolia and C. pauciflora; Subfamily: Cedreloideae; Tribe: Trichilieae.
Small trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple, entire. Cyme-like inflorescences of 3 to 4 flowers. Flowers bisexual. Capsule loculicidal with 2-5 valves, each locule bearing 1 or 2 plano-convex to kidney-shaped seeds; testa thick, leathery. Calodecaryia differs from the other Malagasy genera in that its stamens are free for at least ¾ of their length and its campylotropous seeds with sarcotesta. Phylogenetically, it is related to Turraea (Koenen & al., 2015).
Flowering time: March-October
Population: 2 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 38 metres
Fruiting time:
Upper elevation limit: 114 metres