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68. Decarya madagascariensis Choux

Port Decarya madagascariensis

Caryophyllales > Didieraceae > Decarya

Publication: Mémoires de l'Académie Malgache 18: 39–42, 62, f. 30–33, 52–55. 1934.

Local names: Farehi-baza, Farimbaza, Mozotsy, Tsirembembositra.

IUCN Red List: NTB2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v) ver 3.1

Year published: 2019

GE Score

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ED Score

Carte de distribution Decaryia madagascariensis

Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Didiereoideae.

Shrub or small tree 4-6 m tall, slender trunk; twigs in zig-zag; spines twinned, short and strong. Leaves alternate, simple, often pubescent, deciduous. Inflorescences in biparous cymes. Fruits turbinated or ovoid, trigon, very hard pericarp. It differs from the other genera of the Didieraceae by its zigzag branches.

Phylogenetically, it is related to the genus Didiera (Ocampo & al., 2010). Local populations use D. madagascariensis as a fence. It is also sold on the international holticulture market (Rutherford & al., 2018).

Flowering time:  November-February

Population: 13 subpopulations

Lower elevation limit: 0 metres

Fruiting time: December


Upper elevation limit: 400 metres

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