8. Dilobeia tenuinervis Bosser & R. Rabev.
Proteales > Proteaceae > Dilobeia
Publication: Flore de Madagascar et des Comores 57: 55–57, t. 8, map 10. 1991.
Local name: Vivaona.
IUCN Red List: EN B2ab(iii,v) ver 3.1
Year published: 2020
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Belongs to the ditypic genus: D. tenuinervis and D. thouarsii; Subfamily: Proteoideae; Tribe: Conospermeae.
Large to very large tree of 30 m, dioecious, heterophyllous. Leaves spiral, simple, chartaceous to coriaceous. Inflorescences axillary, the males in panicles, multiflorous; female inflorescences in a single raceme. Fruit ovoid.
Dilobeia differs from the genera inside the Proteaceae by its unisexual flowers. Phylogenetically, it forms a robust clade with the monotypic genera Beaupreopsis and Cenarrhenes (Sauquet & al., 2009).
Flowering time:
Population: 2 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 200 metres
Fruiting time: December
Upper elevation limit: 300 metres