47. Dilobeia thouarsii Roem & Schult.

Proteales > Proteaceae > Dilobeia
Publication: Systema Vegetabilium 3: 476. 1818.
Local names: Fivony, Hazovao, Hovao, Mankaleo, Ramandriona, Riona, Tavolohazo, Tavolopika, Vazano, Vivao, Vivaona, Volombodindranga, Vovonana.
IUCN Red List: LC ver 3.1
Year published: 2018

Belongs to the ditypic genus: D. tenuinervis & D. thouarsii; Subfamily: Proteoideae; Tribe: Conospermae.
Dioecious tree, up to 20-30 m high, dbh between 0.5-0.80 m. Leaves spiral, leathery blade, top with two broad lobes. Male inflorescences in compound spikes. Female inflorescence in single raceme. Fruits ellipsoid; fleshy mesocarp. Seeds fleshy, oily .It differs from D. tenuinervis by its deeply bilobed leaves and male inflorescence.
An antibacterial molecule called dilobenol A–G was isolated from the leaves of the species (Razafintsalama & al., 2013). Its wood is used for construction, carpentry and in the manufacture of railway sleepers. The oil extracted from the seeds is intended for consumption and hair care (http6).
Flowering time: October
Population: 54 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 0 metres
Fruiting time: March
Upper elevation limit: 1,600 metres