28. Lathraeocarpa acicularis Bremek.
Gentianales > Rubiaceae > Lathraeocarpa
Publication: Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État à Bruxelles 27: 162.1957.
Local name: Tsimarefy.
IUCN Red List: EN B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+B2ab( i,ii,iii ,iv,v) ver3.1
Year published: 2023
GE Score
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ED Score

Belongs to the ditypic genus: L. acicularis and L. decaryi; Subfamily: Rubioideae; Tribe: Spermacoceae.
(Sub)shrubs, woody stems; well-developed woody pivoting roots up to 25 cm. Leaves ternate, somewhat succulent, sessile and acicular. Inflorescences monofloral and terminal. Drupes, obconic, indehiscent and crowned by persistent calyx lobes.
Phylogenetically, Lathraeocarpa is related to the genera Gomphocalyx and Phylodrax (Groeninckx & al., 2009). It differs from these two genera in its habit and fruit.This species is used to make talismans to cure delayed children and for protection (Ravaosolo, 2009).
Flowering time: March
Population: 2 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 1 metres
Fruiting time:
Upper elevation limit: 40 metres