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12. Madagasikaria andersonii C. Davis
Malpighiales > Malpighiaceae > Madagasikaria
Publication: American Journal of Botany 89(4): 702, f. 2, 3b, 4a. 2002.
IUCN Red List: CR B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v) ver 3.1
Year published: 2023
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Belongs to the monotypic genus.
Woody vine; stems glabrous. Leaves opposite; simple. Inflorescence axillary, in racemes; flowers bisexual. Fruit schizocarpic, splitting into three samaras; samaras with two wings, one lateral wing fully developed and one dorsal wing folded.
Madagasikaria differs in fruit morphology. Phylogenetically, it is related to Microsteira and Rhynchophora (Davis, 2002).
Flowering time: January
Population: 1 subpopulation
Lower elevation limit: 235 metres
Fruiting time: January
Upper depth limit: 235 metres
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