9. Malagasia alticola (Capuron) L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs
Proteales > Proteaceae > Malagasia
Publication: Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 70(2): 175. 1975.
IUCN Red List: EN B2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v) ver 3.1
Year published: 2020
EDGE Score
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Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Grevilleoideae; Tribe: Macadamieae.
Tree 4 m, up to 12 m high, diameter 0.4 m. Leaves evergreen, helical, blade leathery. Inflorescences axillary, racemose. Fruit drupaceous, ovoid, fibrous pericarp, 1-2 seeds. Seeds fused to endocarp, not very fleshy. Malagasia differs from all other members of the tribe Macadamieae in flower and fruit morphology.
Phylogenetically, it is related to the monotypic Australian genus Catalepidia (Weston & Barker, 2006).
Flowering time: October
Population: 11 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 1,150 metres
Fruiting time: January-February
Upper depth limit: 2,000 metres