7. Satranala decussilvae Beentje & J. Dransf.
Arecales > Arecaceae > Satranala
Publication: Kew Bulletin 50(1): 89–91, f. 1, 2. 1995.
Local name: Satranala.
IUCN Red List: EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii); D ver3.1
Year published: 2012
GE Score
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Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Coryphoideae; tribe: Borasseae.
Solitary palm, trunk 8-15 m high, smooth, obscurely ringed with scars, sometimes with aerial roots. Leaves 20–24, held upright, fan-shaped. Inflorescences among the leaves, branched to 2 orders. Fruits globose to ovoid; seeds closely adherent to the endocarp.
Satranala is distinguished from all species of the Hyphaeninae subtribe in the seed germination type (Romanov & al., 2011). The seeds of this species are exported to the international horticultural market and its leaves are harvested for thatching (Rakotoarinivo & al., 2020).
Flowering time: April
Population: 200 matures trees
Lower elevation limit: 10 metres
Fruiting time: October
Upper elevation limit: 600 metres