58. Spirospermum penduliflorum DC.
Ranunculales > Menispermaceae > Spirospermum
Publication: Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturale 1: 515. 1818[1817].
Local names: Alakamisy, Ambora, Amboramangidy, Odiandro, Tsimahavalia.
IUCN Red List: LC ver 3.1
Year published: 2020

Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Menispermoideae; Tribe: Spirospermeae.
Vine or small dioecious tree up to 10(–12) m tall. Leaves alternate, simple, leathery. Inflorescence in axillary or apparently terminal panicle, very branched. Fruit: group of 1–9 large, globose, fleshy drupes, each containing 1 seed. Seeds horseshoe-shaped.
Phylogenetically, Spirospermum is related to the genus Strychnopsis (Ortiz & al., 2016). It is a medicinal plant with numerous virtues: treatment of wounds and boils, hypertension, adjuvant of chloroquine for malaria, pulmonary tuberculosis and hepatic disorders (http8).
Flowering time: September-April
Population: 35 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 0 metres
Fruiting time: October-February
Upper elevation limit: 1,200 metres