34. Tsebona macrantha Capuron
Ericales > Sapotaceae > Tsebona
Publication: Adansonia : recueil périodique d'observations botaniques, ns 2(1) : 122–123, f. 1–2 (carte). 1962.
Local names: Dity, Nanto, Sarango, Tsebona.
IUCN Red List: NT B2ab(iii) ver 3.1
Year published: 2021

Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Chrysophylloideae; Tribe: Tseboneae.
Large trees up to 25-35 m, dbh: over 1 m. Leaves spirally arranged, simple. Flowers solitary, axillary, bisexual. Large apiculate berry. Seeds (1-2-) 5-6, remarkable for their size and for the insertion scar that occupies almost itsentire surface.
Its wood is used as timber and the latex as an adhesive (http2)
Flowering time: February-August
Population: 18 subpopulations
Lower elevation limit: 0 metres
Fruiting time: February-January
Upper elevation limit: 53 metres