5. Voanioala gerardii J. Dransf.
Arecales > Arecaceae > Voanioala
Publication: Kew Bulletin 44(2): 195–197, f. 1–2, p. 1. 1989.
Local name: Voanio ala.
IUCN Red List: CR D ver.3.1
Year published: 2012
GE Score
EDGE Score

About Belongs to the monotypic genus; Subfamily: Arecoidea; Tribe: Cocoeae.
Robust and solitary tree palm. Stem erect, 15-20 m high. Leaves pinnate, reduplicate, 15-20 in the crown. Inflorescences solitary, interfoliar, apparently protandrous, branching to one order. Mature fruit one-seeded, somewhat irregularly ellipsoid; seed irregularly ellipsoid, filling the endocarp cavity.
V. gerardii is the species with the highest chromosome number (2n=596) among the monocots (Johnson & al., 1989). Phylogenetically, itforms a robust clade with Beccariophoenix madagascariensis and Jubaeopsis caffra (Eiserhardt & al., 2011). The heart of this palm is edible and its seeds are traded on the international horticultural market (Rakotoarinivo & al., 2020).
Flowering time:
Population: 15 matures individuals
Lower elevation limit: 200 metres
Fruiting time:
Upper elevation limit: 700 metres